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Gift Card
One or Two Colour, Simple Designs Only
1 ώ 45 λεπτά
35 £
Smile Line Created with Polygel or Acrylic
2 ώ
44 £
Express Nail Service
1 ώ 30 λεπτά
40 £
For Ombres & Layered Nail Art Designs.
2 ώ 30 λεπτά
50 £
For the Extra Nail Art Girlies!
3 ώ
62 £
Encapsulate anything in gel/acrylic to create crystal clear designs.
3 ώ 30 λεπτά
70 £
Crystal Clusters
4 ώ
80 £
Freestyled to Your Desire
4 ώ 30 λεπτά
Wanting another simple colour or design set?
30 £
Keeping it Classy with French...I See You!
39 £
Time to Fill in the Base?
Sticking with the Layered Designs?
45 £
Freestyled to My Desire Again?
Keeping It Extra Extra!
57 £
1 ώ
25 £
Reform & Reshape your Toes
Builder Gel Overlay on Natural Nails
Nails longer than 1.5cm
30 λεπτά
5 £
Nails longer than 2.5 cm
10 £
4 £
Mirror Effect Powder
Water decals, Transfer Foil or 3D Stickers
Shine Bright Like a Diamond
15 λεπτά
2 £
8 £
Dry Flowers, Sequin & Glitter
12 £
Over the 4 week period? Please book this
7 £
Calluses Be Gone! Without Blades or E-files
For the Natural Babes!
For a little more Glam!
Maintenance Time?
4+ Week Retention! Water/Heat Proof & Allergy Resistant
4+ Week Maintenance Time !
15 £
26 £